Hutchinson MR, Nasser R. Common Sports Injuries in Children and Adolescents. MedGenMed 2(4), 2000 [formerly published in Medscape Orthopaedics & Sports Medicine eJournal 4(4), 2000]. Available at ...
Overuse injuries occur from the repetitive application of submaximal stresses to otherwise normal tissues. [22] This type of injury is more prevalent in the setting of organized sports ...
Since rugby union became a professional sport in 1995, epidemiological studies of professional players have ... and severity of specific diagnoses as functions of injury location and playing position ...
All injuries sustained involved only one eye. There were 31 males (77.5%) and nine females (22.5%). The mean age of the patients was 24 years (range 10–45). Sport was the most common cause of eye ...