Therefore, it is not the most effective way to teach 21st century skills. Hong Kong and Shanghai, two of the highest-performing systems in the world, moved away from the transmission model a decade ...
The world is changing at seemingly breakneck speed. Around the globe, a wide-ranging debate is taking place about what knowledge and skills are most important for the increasingly diverse, ...
At the same time, business and political leaders are increasingly asking schools to develop skills such as problem solving, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and self-management - often ...
Imagine your son or daughter watching a political debate and fact checking the statements made by the candidates while commenting on a class discussion via Schoology being led by his or her ...
grit and initiative – 21st-century skills that will help the younger generation navigate a future that is expected to be more disruptive. Maria Van Aguilar, parent to a seventh grader in ...
If you study academic plans for schools in your area, you likely will hear about 21st century learning skills. Many schools embrace “portraits” or “profiles” of learners and graduates that ...
In India, as many as 53% will leave secondary school without getting skills needed for a decent ... almost half of them are not on track to find 21st century jobs. South Asia is at a critical ...