奔驰在海拉尔复刻了六条冰雪版F1赛道,试驾车型丰富,包括AMG高性能插混E PERFORMENCE车型。C63 S E Performence是一款高性能插混车,拥有V8变L4减轻重量、150kW电机增强动力响应等优点。
之前的奔驰AMG C63很经典,但是奔驰要推出电动版的AMG C63了。 事实上,奔驰一直希望通过C级车实现更多的电气化,之前也在C级中率先使用混动系统。
It’s no secret that the new Mercedes-AMG C63 S, with its 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder plug-in hybrid, doesn’t have ...
Pity the folks at Mercedes-AMG. They had a lot to live up to. The C63, the company's long-running hot-rodded small sedan, had made a hell of an impression on car enthusiasts for more than a decade.
Mercedes-AMG C63 将经典的 V8 引擎替换为2.0四缸 ... 反而转向BMW M power,这对奔驰车厂是始料未及,但对于车迷而言则是不意外。 然而,Michael Schiebe却 ...
The current Mercedes-Benz C63 AMG may be in the autumn of its years, but it's still one of our very favorite sport sedans.Ever. Yes, its paddle-shift transmission may not always follow orders, but ...
奔驰 C63 AMG 二手市场行情比较复杂。 一般来说,价格会因车的年份、里程、车况等因素有较大差异。像十年前原价 145 万的 AMG C63,如今残值可能 ...
We rather like the Mercedes-AMG C63 S. Though 2015 saw the loss of the glorious M156 naturally-aspirated 6.2-litre V8, the current model’s torque-heavy turbocharged unit, hard-as-nails character ...
之前的奔驰AMG C63很经典,但是奔驰要推出电动版的AMG C63了。 事实上,奔驰一直希望通过C级车实现更多的电气化,之前也在C级中率先使用混动系统。