It is a sin-I gular fact that although our anthracite coal SR fields do not form the two-hundredth part of our coal area, that nearly twice as much 61 this coal should be used as any of the ...
March 27. -- Coal company agents are scouring the farming districts near the anthracite coal fields for men to act as guards and firemen at the collieries, and they already have a number ready to ...
The coal field covers an area of some five hundred ... From one of the tunnels 2,500 tons of anthracite coal of a fair qua-1 ity have been extracted, although the Company have sunk in the ...
It was the work of George Luks, by that time a well-known American painter who considered the coal region his home. On Sept. 1 of that same year, a bitter strike began in the anthracite fields of ...