It’s the M1 Rover, an unmanned ground vehicle, built around the Arduino platform. The design goal of the M1 Rover isn’t just to be a remote-controlled car that can be driven around indoors.
The Arduino 4WD Smartphone Controlled Car is a DIY project that allows you to build a remotely controlled four-wheel-drive car using an Arduino Uno board. This project leverages an Arduino, a motor ...
shuidanche.ino是要下载到Arduino中的程序 下载之前需要将ps2手柄的库添加到Arduino IDE的对应目录中,具体添加方法请自行百度 这个代码有个小bug,就是四个轮子中有一个可能只能向一个方向旋转, 好像是有次调试的时候不小心添加了这个bug,但是手边没有车了所以 ...
[Pierre] recently bought his first car and decided to make his own RFID electric starter for it! An Arduino Nano controls two relays which in turn can turn the car on, start it, and turn it off.
Building an Arduino speed detector using IR technology to measure the speed of a moving object is much more cost-effective, and it is also very simple to build. All you need are a few basic parts, ...
Note: This project is built, tested and is FULLY WORKING. MAX78000FTHR and Arduino Based Flashing Lights Vehicle Turn and Warning Indicator: This project is based on the concepts of artificial ...
A set of Arduino Uno evaluation shields along with code examples make prototyping quick ... he's lending advice and experience to the electric vehicle conversion community from his mountain lair in ...
Fuzzy Logic,Mobile Robot,Path Planning,Arduino,Arduino UNO,Artificial Neural Network,Automated Guided Vehicles,Autonomous Navigation,Autonomous Vehicles,Closed-loop ...