Overall complication rates were similar to those seen with transfemoral access, however, and patients liked it better.
February is American Heart Month, and the Cardiac Catheterization Lab performs some of the most significant heart procedures.
Anthony A. Bavry, M.D., M.P.H. Intensive care unit patients who required acute renal replacement therapy were randomized to catheterization in the jugular vein (n = 375) or the femoral vein (n = 375).
Medtronic's next-gen renal denervation catheter and procedure are in the works to advance the FDA-approved Symplicity Spyral ...
Cagent Vascular, Inc., a developer of serration technology for vessel dilation in endovascular interventions, announced the sta ...
and will serve as a central hub in the cath lab for future enhancements, allowing us to further partner with customers and significantly improve outcomes for patients with coronary artery disease.” ...