提起RS,相信大家第一时间会想到地表最强旅行车RS6!但或许很多人不知道的是,其实RS4才是奥迪RS性能车的鼻祖。1994年为了对抗M power,奥迪联合保时捷推出了RS2,也就是RS4的“祖宗”。时至今日,来到B9代RS4,采用保时捷同款EA839 ...
In saying goodbye to the ‘B9’ generation A4 that launched in 2015, we welcome the Audi RS4 Competition Plus. It is the most ...
It's the end of the line for that Audi A4 as we know it. In saying goodbye to the ‘B9’ generation A4 that launched in 2015, we welcome the Audi RS4 Competition Plus. It is the most hardcore example of ...
随着 B9 代 RS4 Avant 即将停产,奥迪决定以可选的 Competition Plus 套件来告别其标志性性能旅行车。由于奥迪因戈尔施塔特工厂停止生产所有 B9 / A5 / S4 ...
It's the end of the line for that Audi A4 as we know it. In saying goodbye to the ‘B9’ generation A4 that launched in 2015, we welcome the Audi RS4 Competition Plus. It is the most hardcore example of ...