翘首以盼中,长沙市民即将迎来全新的出行与观光体验!精心筹备打造的湘江观光巴士将在2月9日正式开启试运营,为长沙的旅游出行版图增添一抹亮丽色彩。首批投入运营的8台双层巴士,设计上独具匠心。车身巧妙融入了杜甫江阁、太平老街、洋湖水街、贺龙体育场等长沙著名 ...
Changsha is situated in the east of Hunan Province and on the lower reaches of Xiang River. As the provincial seat, it is the political, economic, cultural and educational center, as well as the ...
With the Xiang River crossing from its north to south, Hunan was given the short name of Xiang. The province is administratively divided into 13 cities and an autonomous prefecture. Changsha had a ...