Many kids at this age are ready to do chores without constant supervision. They also love rewards. Try using a daily chore chart with stickers that allow them to build up to bigger rewards.
Don’t miss our free printable chore charts for kids, and learn why it’s actually beneficial for kids to have chores! Many of ...
As parents, it is our job to teach our kids financial responsibility and independence. One excellent way to do this is with chores at home. For our family, this is something we’ve been ...
This adorable felt chore chart is great for younger kids who are just starting to help around the house. Designed by renowned children's artist Michelle Romo, the chart makes a nice addition to a ...
The “family chore chart” only works half of the time, if at all. Would giving the kids a financial incentive solve the problem? We let Jacqueline (graphic designer, 45) and her son (school student, 13 ...