The identification of the genes responsible for major psychiatric illnesses such as bipolar disorder would greatly ... well-defined mendelian traits or chromosomal aberrations have served as ...
The investigators concluded that there are very few reports of cytogenetic abnormalities associated with mood disorders. Since significant chromosomal abnormalities such as aneuploidy ...
Translocations generate novel chromosomes, but are often linked to disorders like infertility and cancer. How do these new chromosomes generate problems, and how are they detected? Translocations ...
Learn how and why they can result in miscarriage or chromosomal disorders. Finding out you're pregnant should be an exciting time, but it can also be stressful. Sometimes, a pregnancy can result ...
congenital malformations and chromosomal abnormalities form the overwhelming majority of the genetic disorders in the UAE,” he has explained in the book. All the 2,000 copies of the first volume ...