Scientists published a full genetic sequence of the genes that make some white campions male, and hope their work could ...
New research at the UO reveals that they have been using one that has existed for 480 million years. The octopus has just ...
People with shorter telomeres, the protective caps at the end of chromosomes, inside their white blood cells may be more ...
UCSF researchers found that brain cells age more quickly when they rely solely on the X chromosome inherited from a female's mother, rather than the one from her father. Women inherit two X ...
Scientists at the University of Oregon uncovered a sex chromosome in the California two-spot octopus, dating back 480 million ...
引言哺乳动物的雌性细胞中通常拥有两条X染色体,其中一条来源于母亲(Xm),另一条来源于父亲(Xp)。在胚胎发育过程中,这两条染色体中会随机失活一条,形成X染色体嵌合现象。然而,1月22日Nature的研究报道“The maternal X ...
Cephalopods may have the oldest sex chromosomes of any animal, according to a new discovery in the octopus genome. That's a ...
The research suggest octopus and other cephalopods, like squid and cuttlefish, all rely on the ancient chromosome to ...
Scientists at University of Oregon discover one of the oldest known animal sex chromosomes in California two-spot octopus.
Researchers have identified a sex chromosome in the California two-spot octopus. This chromosome has likely been around for 480 million years, since before octopuses split apart from the nautilus on ...
In a nutshell Female cells randomly use either the maternal or paternal X chromosome—this study shows that relying more ...
After more than a decade of work, researchers have reached a major milestone in their efforts to re-engineer life in the lab, ...