Clear ice makers are a machine that makes perfectly clear ice cubes. The process of making this type of cube does *not* involve freezing water from the top down, as normal machines do. Rather it ...
From a clear ice maker to a centrifuge for clarifying liquors, each of these premium tools and toys only do one thing—but they all do that thing very well.
"Clear ice gives you a more dense, durable ice cube while producing less dilution and a prettier cocktail as well," says Gordon Bellaver, bartender and co-owner of clear ice purveyors Penny Pound Ice.
Let’s break down why it matters and how you can craft bar-quality cubes at home. Large, clear ice cubes are the unsung heroes of slow-sipping drinks like a Godfather or whiskey on the rocks.
Where do you think that moisture comes from? Try this experiment to see if you can figure it out! Put ice cubes into two clear plastic cups until they are about ½-full. Pour cold water into both cups ...