For decades, Culex pipiens f. molestus was called the “London Underground Mosquito”. Most people, including scientists, ...
A large international team of researchers has discovered that the mosquitoes that live in London's underground subway evolved ...
Genetic analysis suggests a form of mosquito found in urban subway systems evolved in the Middle East thousands of years ago ...
West Nile virus belongs to the flavivirus family of viruses. It is transmitted principally by Culex mosquitoes. Birds are the reservoir for the virus and mosquitoes acquire the virus when they feed on ...
Faced with a new mosquito species that could transmit disease in Minnesota, state health and mosquito control officials are urging residents to rid their property of water-holding containers. The ...
The Culex tarsalis mosquito is the primary vector of WNV to humans in the western ... Mosquito control programs in the past were mainly conducted to reduce the nuisance causing mosquito species. Many ...
With the first human cases of West Nile virus (WNV) disease for 2008 confirmed in three Minnesota residents, state health officials today urged Minnesotans to protect themselves from mosquitoes ...
Culex molestus, the London Underground mosquito, has been extensively studied as an example of people driving the evolution and emergence of new species. The mosquito has in recent years come to ...
Culicoides paraensis midges are the primary vectors of OROV, though mosquitoes, particularly Culex quinquefasciatus ... investigated whether mosquito species in the US have the potential to ...