The Drake Equation, named after its creator, radio astronomer Frank Drake, is an attempt to frame the question scientifically by assigning a value to all the relevant terms, from the number of ...
pointing out that the Drake Equation typically predicts that there are from 1,000 to 100,000,000 actively communicating civilizations in our galaxy, which is too optimistic of an estimate.
Va., that Drake developed the eponymous—and now famous—Drake Equation, which calculates how many advanced and detectable civilizations there should be in the Milky Way in any one year.
The award honors Frank Drake, whose Drake Equation first identified the specific factors necessary for the emergence of life in the Universe and the evolution of technological civilizations. This ...
Christopher Edge’s new novel The Jamie Drake Equation is an intriguing read about adventure, science, outer space and families. The story is told in Jamie’s own words, and Edge spends a great ...
After this pioneering experiment, other searches for signals from the directions of other stars were conducted. Within a year, the first scientific meeting to discuss the prospects of a search was ...