The digestive system is the ... performing hundreds of different functions. It processes nutrients absorbed into the blood by the small intestine, creating energy-giving glycogen from sugary ...
The main pancreatic duct merges with the bile duct to form the ampulla of Vater (a widening of the duct just before it enters the duodenum). The pancreas is an integral part of the digestive system.
The digestive system breaks down ... that's the small intestine. Squeeze out the remaining liquid. This is all the nutrients your body needs to function properly and collect it all up in the ...
It is the longest part of the digestive system, measuring between 10 ... with absorption and digestion. The primary function of the large intestine is to finish the absorption of nutrients and ...
The digestive system breaks down ... that's the small intestine. Squeeze out the remaining liquid. This is all the nutrients your body needs to function properly and collect it all up in the ...