Every time you roll up to the pumps, you are presented with several ... Premium, as well as E5, E10, and ethanol-free, which ...
Super E10 hits fuel pumps in Germany Starting January 1, 2011, German drivers were presented with the option to fuel up their vehicles with Super E10, a biofuel with 10 percent ethanol.
The default unleaded fuel found at the pumps around the country is now E10, with the old standard grade of fuel - E5 - now being reclassed as super unleaded. E10 fuel contains up to 10 per cent ...
The government is consulting on making E10 - which contains less carbon and more ethanol than fuels currently on sale - the new standard petrol grade. The move could cut CO2 emissions from ...
Over on the GMnext blog, Coleman Jones has posted a response to the recent push to go from E10 to E20 at regular gas pumps in Minnesota. Jones is the Manger of Biofuels Implementation at GM Powertrain ...