What is the Equality Act 2010? Equality law affects everyone who is providing a service or carrying out a function, including people who are running an organisation or who might do something on its ...
It is the University's policy to treat all students with dignity and respect, irrespective of protected characteristics, as defined by the Equality Act 2010. The University aims to enact this in all ...
Online guidance offering advice with compliance with UK law on DEI has seen a sharp rise in views after Trump's attack on ...
and has certain specific obligations under the Equality Act 2010. The BBC Trust has three main responsibilities in respect of diversity and equality: • to approve the BBC Diversity Strategy ...
DEI agenda is starting to cause a headache at global businesses. But what is the law around this in the UK? And what is the ...
Sarah Ide and Alexandra Addington discuss the importance of taking a zero-tolerance stance on racism in the workplace.