Divali close DivaliA Hindu festival of light. Sikhs celebrate too, increasingly calling the day Bandhi Chhor Divas. is a festival that is celebrated throughout India by both Hindus and Sikhs.
Lohri, celebrated mainly in Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, and Jammu & Kashmir, marks the end of winter and the harvest ...
Diwali is celebrated as the festival of lights, during which homes are decorated with candles ... Lord Mahavira established the dharma followed by the Jains worldwide. For the Sikhs, Diwali is a story ...
Diwali is known as the 'festival of lights' because houses, shops and public places are decorated with small oil lamps called 'diyas'. Diwali is also celebrated in Sikhism and Jainism. Diwali ...
The festival of light is observed by Hindus, Sikhs and Jains worldwide. It celebrates the victory of good over evil and commemorates Lord Ram's return after years of exile. Lighting candles ...
Many Canadian cities take part and locations such as Toronto, Calgary and Vancouver are especially busy with fairs and other ...
Celebrants light rows of traditional clay ... While Diwali is a major religious festival for Hindus, it is also observed by Sikhs, Jains and Buddhists. The origin story of Diwali varies depending ...
Diwali, the festival lights, sees millions of people attend events across the world every autumn to celebrate the triumph of ...
Diwali, the festival of light celebrated by millions around the world, is just around the corner. The annual occasion in the ...