In a speech delivered yesterday via his Facebook page, President Irfaan Ali revealed that his administration had granted more than 150 small and five large forestry concessions, along with various ...
The rainforest in Guyana is a place that has hardly changed ... There are thousands of different species all living together under the forest canopy, with many of them being extremely dangerous.
The country is endowed with fertile agricultural lands, valuable mineral resources - including bauxite and gold - extensive tropical forests that cover 80 percent of the country, and recently ...
Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert ...
The government will speed up overseas development assistance programs with countries in Latin America to share its expertise in forest restoration knowhow, said the Korea Forest Service (KFS) on Jan.
During the recent surveillance audit, Iwokrama received only two observations. Non-compliances are categorised as “observations”, “minor corrective actions” ...
A GMIN release yesterday also informed that the IEP is valid for one year and, together with the No Objection letter received from the Guyana Forestry Commission, GMIN has fulfilled the ...