Public domain via Wikimedia Commons As Guy Fawkes walked ... of January 1606. But Fawkes, who was the final conspirator to make his way to the noose, escaped the full horrors of his sentence.
What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What pushed Guy Fawkes over the edge? What turned him from a radical who wanted change to an extremist willing to kill? Foreign correspondent Jason Burke has ...
The Gunpowder Plot was a failed attempt to blow up Englands King James I 15661625 and the Parliament on November 5 1605 The plot was organized by Robert Catesby c15721605 in an effort to end the ...
The name's Guy Fawkes, friends call me Guido. I've been put here, in the Tower of London, because I may have been a little bit… naughty. You see, for a while now, Catholics like me have been ...