Ad5F35-CMV-GFP Ad5F35-CMV-GFP virus is a powerful tool for determining the transfection efficiency of an Ad5F35 virus in your cells of interest. Examining cells for GFP expression following ...
supercharged GFP! Supercharged GFP may not be faster ... which are resistant to siRNA delivery using the common lipid-based transfection reagent, Lipofectamine 2000. They observed suppression ...
“That indicated there must be some kind of coupling,” Morin said. Shimomura continued to study GFP and identified its chromophore in 1979. 4 Ultimately, though, he returned to studying bioluminescence ...
The most recent and sophisticated multi-component transfection reagent, FuGENE ® 4K, was created to transfer DNA into both difficult and routine mammalian cell lines. Users are able to obtain ...