Many Christians would accept that the central message of both Genesis 1 and 2, whether seen as one or two stories, is: God made everything God made everything good God made humanity as the ...
The Christian faith teaches that God created the world and everything in it. This information is found in the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis, which states: In the beginning God created ...
It is time once more to live through the annual learning process of writing the correct date on documents. If you are like me, I stumble and scratch out the date for at least two weeks before I ...
In the beginning, God had created three archangels ... Whilst Lucifer was angry, and began reigning over the world of the ...
Do you believe that Adam and Eve actually existed as the first two human beings God created? If you are unsure, then allow the words of Jesus of Nazareth, Moses and the Apostle Paul to settle the ...