The best pranks are both hilarious and good-natured, such as the pranksters who hired a mariachi band this year to follow their principal all day. Other pranks are just the opposite, like the ...
See how long it takes them to ask about the message before you reveal the joke. Also, check out these best pranks to pull based on your zodiac sign—and let the practical joking begin!
“Each sign of the zodiac has a unique sense of humor,” explains astrologer Danelle Ferreira, and the perfect prank isn’t just about yours. “If you want to play the best April Fools’ Day ...
Well, at least it tastes good. Although cookies found on ... Although they’re appropriate for kids, adults can also enjoy these pranks that poke fun at the idea of Elf on the Shelf while still ...
No one can really decide where April Fools' Day comes from, but one thing we can all agree on is that it’s hilarious to prank your mates ... and hope for the best. If you think typefaces can ...