Standing in his fields among tall, dry corn plants, farmer Dario Sabini inspects the smaller-than-usual corn cobs before ...
“The next green revolution will supercharge the tools ... the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that pesticide use on corn crops has dropped 90 percent since the introduction of Bt corn ...
Minnesota: Burn is eating up the state’s corn crop up to one leaf below the ear ... Iowa: Dry conditions produced yellow-green marbled fields. Despite dry conditions, pod counts in Iowa will ...
“Even the lower leaves are still green — we ... Pro Farmer Crop Tour scouts have been providing the agriculture industry with insights into potential corn and soybean production, gathering ...
The corn will be ground and mixed with other feed crops to feed the roughly 60,000 head of cattle. Chris Ochsner [email protected] The first thing you see when you arrive at Hoxie Feedyard in ...
Field trials on nitrogen-fixing microbes in corn have yet to show reliable benefits, but work continues on their potential of reducing corn's high demand for the nutrient.
Green beans share a need for plenty of sunlight and warmth with corn, so are excellent companion plants. Summer squash is another warm-weather crop that is best planted after balmy spring weather ...
The higher-than-expected productivity in some areas of Brazil’s second corn crop (also known as “safrinha“) is expected to more than compensate for the planting delay and ensure record ...
particularly because of the second crop of corn in Brazil, or safrinha. Previously considered merely a way to keep the soil in use between two important harvests, corn’s second crop gained ...