The Obama Tie Quilt was the first quilt Mallard ever stitched ... The quilt took Mallard five years and thousands of tiny stitches and hand tied knots to complete. He began working on the quilt ...
The Obama Tie Quilt was the first quilt Mallard ever stitched ... The quilt took Mallard five years and thousands of tiny stitches and hand tied knots to complete. He began working on the quilt ...
Joe Mallard started to stitch "the Obama Tie Quilt" in 2008. The first quilt he ever stitched took five years to complete. It consists of thousands of tiny stitches and hand-tied knots.
Mallard’s ‘Obama Tie Quilt’ interprets the history ... So Mallard would cry to his great-great grandmother as she hand-stitched brightly colored quilts without ever consulting a pattern.