For lunches, the canteen usually provides curry chicken rice, which isn’t the healthiest option. Better choices are salads, sandwiches etc. I think schools should help students eat healthy by ...
In New South Wales it's the Healthy School Canteen Strategy run by NSW Health and South Australia employs the Right Bite Food and Drink Supply Standards developed by its department for education.
Student’s need healthy food to grow strong ... Students love rushing down to their school canteen at recess to buy junk food such as curry fishballs or French fries, but these foods have ...
“Schools and school canteen administration will have to provide ... so that all students will enjoy healthy foods during school hours.
“He comes to me and says I don't want to eat the (healthy) food you pack for me to school; I want to buy from the canteen like my friends." Her son's school canteen sells milk shakes ...