A newly translated papyrus found in Israel provides information about criminal cases and slave ownership in the Roman Empire.
Unearthed in Upper Galilee, 3rd century CE artifact might prove rumored tensions between Emperor Diocletian and local ...
Sometimes the most significant historical discoveries happen by accident. When Professor Hannah Cotton Paltiel volunteered to ...
"This is the best-documented Roman court case from Iudaea apart from the trial of Jesus," said one researcher.
The Greek document details a court case in ancient Palestine involving tax fraud and provides insight into trial preparations in the Roman Empire ...
Join a Hebrew walking tour of Bab az-Zahra with Hussam Mousa. Named after Flower’s Gate (Herod’s Gate), the Jerusalem ...
The temple in Jerusalem Although each Jewish community worshipped at its own synagogue, the temple in Jerusalem remained the spiritual center of their worship. The temple had been rebuilt three times.
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered a 1,700-year-old oil lamp decorated with rare Jewish artwork, including a unique menorah — a surprise given that the Roman Empire had tried to suppress the ...