A Louisville-based organization that works to improve the lives of Kentucky kids says there needs to be major reform in the ...
Sen. William C. Smith Jr. sponsors proposal would raise the age at which a juvenile would be tried as an adult from 14 to 16.
A group of Georgia senators introduced a bill that would allow more children aged 13 to 17 that make threats against schools ...
Discussions around legislation to stop automatically charging minors as adults for certain crimes morphed into a debate over ...
The 115 new alleged victims, who each brought suit on Monday, joined hundreds of other survivors who have filed cases since ...
A new wave of sexual assault complaints has been levied against the City of New York, bringing the total number of alleged ...
In Houston, Texas, the Harris County Juvenile Probation Department provides a number of community-based intervention ...
Washington's Senate Bill 5296 is igniting intense debate over the future of the state’s juvenile justice system and ...
Lawmakers expressed little surprise at the repeated arrest of a 15-year-old accused of stealing seven cars in seven ...
In an effort to prevent possibly dangerous people with mental illness from buying guns, Tennessee passed a law requiring court clerks to report involuntary mental health hospitalizations. A decade ...