This month, sightings of the orca show she has recently given birth again . According to a Facebook post by the Center for Whale Research (CWR), the new calf has been traveling with J pod since ...
A female killer whale gives birth to one calf at a time every three to 10 years. Orcas work together to take care of the young. Female killer whales live to be around 50 years old, but some orcas ...
According to their results recently published in the journal Ecology and Evolution, the culprit is clear: a killer whale ...
Killer whales are the only natural predator of baleen whales—those that have "baleen" in their mouths to sieve their plankton ...
Recent findings used wildlife forensics and citizen science data to provide the first confirmed evidence of killer whale ...
The pair hit it off until Belen died in 2000 after issues while giving birth, leaving the killer whale mostly alone for the past 25 years. He has spent his time with only two dolphins near him as ...
Based on DNA analysis from the bite wounds on the carcass of a large white shark washed ashore near Portland in Victoria in ...
Using DNA analysis, the researchers managed to zero in on orcas, better known as killer whales, and broadnose sevengill sharks as the possible killers, according to a new study published in the ...