Kohlrabi tastes great steamed, stir-fried, added to soups and stews or dipped in batter and fried to make tempura or fritters. Served cold, it adds a pleasing crunch and mild spicy note to salads.
Peel the kohlrabis and cut them into smaller pieces. Mix the lemon juice with the crushed garlic. Add a bit of pepper, salt, and thyme. Add some olive oil (1-2 tablespoons) to the mixture. Pour ...
Serve kohlrabi soup as a light supper. This healthy vegetable soup tastes best when made with fresh ginger. Cut the kohlrabi into matchsticks, about 1 inch long, to make 1-1⁄2 cups. Cut the ...
Kohlrabi holds together well, adding its own natural sweetness. Place the leeks, kohlrabi, carrots and garlic into a wide shallow pan which will take them in a single layer. Tuck the herbs down ...