The Lone Star tick, whose bite can lead to people developing an allergy to red meat and other foods, is found mostly in the southeastern United States, in addition to parts of the Midwest and the ...
What does a lone star tick look like ... of Americans may have developed alpha-gal syndrome, or AGS, from tick bites. The condition can cause allergies.
It took doctors a long time, however, to figure out the unlikely cause: alpha-gal syndrome, also known as red meat allergy, which Wallace probably got from lone star tick bites in her backyard in ...
The tick is identified by the white spot on ... their range is expanding due to climate change. Blood-sucking bites from the lone star, formally called the Amblyomma americanum, can make a person ...
Lone Star ticks spread an allergy to red meat and ... But either way, this is more indication that tick bites are even more harmful than most people think.
The lone star tick is a common pest in the region, accounting for more than 90% of tick bites in the Southeastern states by some estimates. The species has spread up the Eastern seaboard and to ...
K-State researchers and extension specialists have teamed up on a project to help alleviate the negative impacts of an allergy to red meat that affects a growing number of people.