How many trains are there from Mangalore to Mangaluru Central? There are 8 direct trains that run between Mangalore and Mangaluru Central. The train schedules consist of 7 daily trains. These include ...
How many trains are there from Mangaluru Central to Mangalore? There are 6 direct trains that run between Mangaluru Central and Mangalore. The train schedules consist of 5 daily trains. These include ...
The Society of St Vincent De Paul (SSVP) is celebrating its 100-year presence in the Diocese of Mangalore. Established in ...
Besides reducing pressure on stations in Mangaluru, the terminal at Surathkal would cater to the population residing around ...
Mangalore, a city along the coast of southwestern ... In the busy streets of Hampankatta lies Central Market a place where locals come to buy produce, spices and traditional handicrafts at low ...