The government securities division (GSD) of the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation (DTCC) reported a 25.5% increase in margin requirements, rising to $56.3 billion by September 30. This ...
The Margin Requirement that any member of Nasdaq Commodities must meet, is made up of two elements: Base Collateral and the Daily Margin Requirement. The Base Collateral should cover any overnight ...
Your initial margin requirement is the amount of buying power (BP) needed to open a position. Standard margin accounts use a fixed-percentage, strategy-based system. Initial requirements affect ...
Genium Risk – The Margining System The purpose of a margining system is to calculate accurate risk-based margin requirements for each counterparty account. Nasdaq Clearing uses a margining ...
Margin valuation adjustment allows for the funding costs of the initial margin posted for a derivatives trade. This can apply to cleared trades, which require initial margin, and non-cleared trades, ... -- Interactive Brokers (NASDAQ:IBKR) is said to be taking steps to significantly reduce its risk exposure to MicroStrategy by gradually increasing margin requirements. The brokerage ...