总的来说,搔抓与免疫反应的关系揭示了皮肤免疫疾病治疗的新方向。通过深入理解神经免疫交互作用,未来的研究有望开发出更加精确的治疗方法,不仅改善患者的临床症状,还可能从根本上恢复皮肤免疫功能。这一全新的治疗思路为过敏性皮肤病的管理带来了前所未有的希望,未 ...
Scratching where it itches reduces the presence of potentially harmful bacteria on the skin, studies in mice show.
This report highlights the diagnostic challenges of SM, emphasize its underrecognized role in osteoporosis and fragility fractures, and advocates for ...
The itch from bug bites, rashes, and other skin conditions can sometimes be so overpowering that it feels impossible to avoid ...
The MAD cohort also saw adverse events such as hair loss and reductions in hemoglobin and neutrophil counts. These side ...
Scientists have now shown why it may not be a good idea to scratch an itchy rash, even though it feels good. This research ...
Scratching an itchy rash worsens inflammation by triggering pain-sensing neurons and activating mast cells, creating a ...
Abstract Title: Briquilimab Potently Inhibits Stem Cell Factor (SCF)/c-Kit Signaling and Induces Mast Cell Apoptosis Poster Number: 541 Session Title: Novel Mechanisms of Mast Cells, Basophils and IgE ...