OU’s Medieval Fair Department will host its annual Medieval Fair Ball on Saturday, featuring live music and medieval and Renaissance-style dances.
Fender Stratocaster is to go on display at Collins Barracks in Dublin, the National Museum of Ireland has said.
The Medieval Irish Kings and the English Invasion is a combination of clear, narrative accounts and succinct analysis, and it is filled with new insights throughout. This book will not be ...
Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Culture (essay collections) and Research in Medieval and Early Modern Culture ... Contributions engage with works across Latin, Greek, English, French, and Irish, ...
The office of abbess of Kildare was a highly sought after and powerful position that was intertwined with the political landscape of medieval Ireland, meaning that the women who occupied that ...
Tochmharc Étaíne, Aislinge Oenguso, Táin Bó Fraoich – these, and six other stories drawn from the earliest Irish literature, ...
The World Luxury Travel Awards acknowledged Kilkenny’s unique blend of history, culture ... prettiest in Ireland. Kilkenny is ...
After my own brief adventure in Ireland, I would certainly not claim to be an expert on this fascinating side-show in Scottish medieval affairs, but I do like to think there were times when my ...
Cork. Located just two miles west of the famous Castlemartyr Estate lies a fine, well preserved late medieval Irish Tower House, richly steeped in Irish history and tradition dating from the 1500's.