Top Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri was splashed across Israeli headlines in 2007 when it was discovered that he prophesised, a few months before his death, that the new Messiah, Jesus, would show himself ...
Maybe, the rabbi says — and here I suspect his metaphorical instinct was entirely unintentional — the messiah will soon come and “straighten us out.” UPDATE: The rabbi in question is Yoel ...
(Matthew 3:17). God chose the Jewish people to bear the Messiah (saviour) of entire humanity. At the age of 30, Jesus was inaugurated as the promised Messiah by God, when John baptised Him in ...
Who was Jesus? Was he a political revolutionary and liberation theologian? A teacher of morals, a rabbi or a vagabond sage? A magician and healer? Did his followers see him, or did he see himself, as ...
Jesus declared, “Thou hast hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to babes” (Matthew 11:25). The Talmud stated, in Bava Batra 12b: “Rabbi Johanan said ...