It can be distressing to wake up with a mysterious swollen red rash on your ankle. Could that rash be an insect bite ... people also develop a distinctive "bullseye" rash, as described above.
or the bulls-eye rash (erythema migrans) related to Lyme disease. Usually, bug bites are a minor nuisance, but sometimes they can be more concerning. Therefore, the first step in treating a bug ...
A bullseye rash is rarely itchy or painful and may not ... but is more commonly seen on the head, groin, and feet. A bug bite can develop a bump and redness resembling a Lyme disease rash.
It can be distressing to wake up with a mysterious swollen red rash on your ankle. Could that rash be an insect bite ... people also develop a distinctive "bullseye" rash, as described above.
However, that kind of reaction can easily be confused for may other skin issues, including other common bug ... "the bullseye rash is a really unreliable thing to look for with the tick bite ...
The bump may look similar to a mosquito bite, the Mayo Clinic says ... develop a red rash called erythema migrans. This rash shows up in a bullseye pattern, Levoska says. "It can present anywhere ...