Netflix一直以来坚持用户在其独立应用中浏览内容的策略,因为该公司拒绝加入Apple的内容聚合平台,并且对Google等其它公司类似项目也未表现出兴趣。彭博社记者Mark ...
据IT之家所知,目前仅支持将 Netflix 原创剧集添加至 Apple TV 应用的关注列表,而播放进度同步功能尚未实现;而且仅限 2015 年后发布的 Apple TV 4K 设备,第二代和第三代 Apple TV 已不再支持。
经过多年的市场竞争和用户需求的推动,Netflix终于与Apple TV达成了初步合作。近日,部分Apple TV 4K用户收到通知,可以将Netflix账户绑定到Apple ...
Years after Apple started offering streaming services the ability to feature an integration with the Apple TV app, Netflix is ...
近日,科技新闻界迎来了一场小小的风波,主角是流媒体巨头Netflix和视频设备平台Apple TV。据知名科技媒体The Verge报道,Netflix方面已正式澄清,此前部分Apple TV 4K用户发现可将Netflix账户与Apple ...
The first six episodes of "Love Is Blind" are now streaming. When will the rest drop on Netflix? Here's the Season 8 release ...
经过数年的对峙,流媒体巨头Netflix终于打破了与Apple TV之间的隔阂,迈出了合作的第一步。这一转变意味着,部分Apple TV 4K用户现已能够享受到将Netflix账户与Apple TV应用绑定的便利。 据悉,这些用户可以在Apple ...
New Pokemon episodes are now available for streaming with Netflix as the newest season of Pokemon Horizons: The Series is now ...
At last, Netflix shows and movies are beginning to appear in the Apple TV app, but the integration still seems a tad flaky.