So, does alcohol cause inflammation? Or does the type matter? For instance, you may have heard red wine is heart-healthy.
A novel study showed that spontaneous neural activity and functional connectivity in certain brain regions correlated with ...
Beyond normal memory loss lies a dangerous reality. Discover how everyday habits and overlooked health conditions may be ...
The vagus nerve is a busy bundle of over 100,000 information-carrying fibers that runs from the brain stem through the body ...
There is growing recognition that inflammatory signals play an important role in normal and pathological brain function. Laboratories in this area study how inflammation in the brain and spinal cord ...
A 3D model accurately mimicking the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in a laboratory environment has been successfully developed by ...
However, neurons that express IL-1R1 are not thought to induce inflammation, suggesting that these cells may actually integrate immune signals into neural ones. It has yet to be revealed where or ...
increasing their numbers and activity without causing significant tissue damage or inflammation. This testing ensured the electrodes' safety and efficacy for neural repair stimulation within the ...