Whaling brought together an improbable cast ... But their legacies, largely overlooked in New England history, go far beyond the money they brought home. A revered Quaker, Paul Cuffe founded ...
A Massachusetts court on Monday restored federal protections for endangered whales off New England against entanglement in ...
“Covering the period 1790 to 1910 with most of the data from the 1840s to sixties, which was the heyday of New England whaling. We can compare that to modern-day observations that we get from ...
and the oldest wooden commercial whaling vessel still afloat. Ship logbooks of its many whale hunting voyages, along with hundreds of others from New England, may provide a treasure island for ...
Mike Bello, the Globe’s deputy city editor, and the late Gloria Negri, a reporter, will be honored by the New England ...
"An essential destination and an economic driver for the region, the museum is the largest cultural organization south of Boston and an anchor of New England's SouthCoast." The Whaling Museum ...
This first painting is the Southern Venturer at Leith Harbour Whaling Station in November 1961. I worked on the Southern Venturer this season — the last that Edinburgh-based Christian Salvesen ...