IT has been reported 1 that when a virgin soil is brought under cultivation, the percentage of total nitrogen usually falls off with time up to a limiting value. A loss of nitrogen from soils on ...
Every year, soil erosion laterally distributes on the order of 75 Gt of topsoil (Berhe et al. 2007). The coupled biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are strongly influenced by ...
Nitrogen is an important plant nutrient that is often deficient in the sandy soils that dominate Delaware, so application of manures and/or fertilizers is necessary to produce maximum economic yields.
Soil organic matter breaking down faster also produces more of the type of nitrogen crops need to thrive, especially corn. Organic nitrogen converted into plant-feeding inorganic nitrogen at a ...
Sible and his co-authors tested products from Pivot Bio called PROVEN and PROVEN 40, which includes one or two species of soil bacteria, respectively, that can turn atmospheric nitrogen into plant ...