Otter numbers have improved in the UK following a sharp drop in the 1970s. Dr Dawson, from the University of Sheffield, who led the study, said the footage shows the animals sniffing for spraints ...
8 shows the otter poop, also known as spraint, found on Lantau Island. It looks almost like gray sawdust. Eurasian otters, also known as European otters or Lutra lutra, are a widespread species ...
"We knew there were otters here, at least we hoped, but actually to be able to see them on film is brilliant," she said. "We found signs, we surveyed it just looking for tracks and spraints [otter ...
8 shows the otter poop, also known as spraint, found on Lantau Island. It looks almost like gray sawdust. A post shared by 嘉道理農場暨植物園 ( KFBG ) (@kfbg.official) Eurasian otters ...