Lise Meitner from 1907 to 1938 (at the KWI from 1913), above all on beta rays; in 1918 they jointly discovered protactinium, and uranium Z in 1922. Otto Hahn was working with Fritz Strassmann in 1938 ...
More by Otto Hahn This article was originally published with the title “ The Discovery of Fission ” in Scientific American Magazine Vol. 198 No. 2 ( February 1958 ) , p. 76 doi: 10.1038 ...
In a discovery that portends the possibility of atomic bombs, Otto Hahn (right) and Fritz Strassmann report evidence that uranium atoms produce barium when bombarded with neutrons. As explained by ...
In 1939 Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann announced that uranium nuclei "burst" when they are bombarded with neutrons. How they came to this conclusion is a classic example of the nature of science ...