Feb. 3, 1945, the battle for the capital of the Philippines began between Allied Forces and Imperial Japan. The 1st Cavalry ...
To look at Lt. Alexander R. "Sandy" Nininger when he began his plebe year at the U.S. Military Academy, one might never have ...
"History itself can tell that we have never, never in the history of the Philippines yielded to any foreign power." Chinese officials in Manila and Beijing did not immediately comment on Marcos ...
Dr. Ricardo Trota Jose from the Department of History at UP will serve as the guest of honor. The Philippine-American War officially began on February 4, 1899, at the junction of Sociego and Silencio ...
While the February 5 observance had become a local tradition, veterans and historians have worked to correct the record in order to give the appropriate recognition to the soldiers and residents who ...
Two United Airlines pilots are working to take two WWII veterans to the Philippines to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Battle of Manila.
Acclaimed anime director Hayao Miyazaki, who won a Ramon Magsaysay Award known as "Asia’s Nobel Prize," used his acceptance speech to highlight Japan’s wartime history in the Philippines.