Streamline your presentation slideshow—and keep it consistent with the UB brand guidelines—by starting with one of our PowerPoint templates. Looking to include general information on some of the ...
For a presentation that's sharp, professional, and UAB-branded, utilize the new template below, available in PowerPoint and Keynote versions in standard and widescreen formats. The new, user-friendly ...
PowerPoints help to present information in class or conference presentations and can benefit both you as the presenter and your audience. PowerPoint slides act as an outline or guide that reminds you ...
Below are a few sample pages of a celebration powerpoint that was created specifically for internal awards or other internal celebrations. This is not to be used as a regular powerpoint presentation.
Need a place to start? Here are links to some presentation templates and resources. See also the URCC Symposium pages on the Symposium online platform, Abstract writing, and Presentation tips for your ...
This guide by Simon Sez offers go-to resource for mastering 13 essential PowerPoint tips and tricks that will take your presentations to the next level. From streamlining your design with Master ...
All faculty and student research posters and powerpoint presentations are to include the School of Engineering logo. Please feel free to use the logos and powerpoint template provided below.
In need of a slide deck refresh? Looking for a way to enliven your meetings and presentations this year so they can stand out from the crowd? While PowerPoint certainly offers a variety of useful ...