One boiling colleague heated up an old wheeze: “I don’t mind one ... The fact that some people laugh out loud at the thought of President Robert Taft is due, to a large degree, to Bob Taft ...
On March 8, 1930, William Howard Taft, the 27th President of the United States, died at age 72. And before you ask the question: no, he did not die by getting stuck in a bathtub. In fact ...
In October 1910, President Taft was 53 years old, weighed 330 pounds, and snored. With these data, the model of Viner et al [63] predicts a 97% chance that Taft had sleep apnea, defined as an ...
Challenges: William Howard Taft stumbled dramatically on two important occasions as President: his special congressional session to revise the tariff downward, and his dismissal of Theodore ...
As President of the United States from 1909 to 1913, William Howard Taft's minimum body mass index was 42 kg/m 2. This article presents evidence that he suffered from obstructive sleep apnea ...