What on earth happened on November 8? In a word, the legend of Progressivism ceased to be believable. For some 150 years, the loudspeakers of progressivism boasted of the meritocracy of the ...
In order to better understand the City Beautiful movement, it is helpful to engage the scholarly literature on Progressivism, which notes its complexity, with many different goals, strategies, and ...
The problem with the word ‘Progressivism’ is that to the untrained ear, it sounds like an inherently positive thing, and by definition more or less is. I myself (and I daresay most Scots ...
At the end of the nineteenth century, Progressivism emerged as a political movement in response to significant economic, social, and political inequalities. Though Progressives advocated for many ...
From the blog of Eric Bordenkircher at The Times of Israel ...
We Must Stop the Middle-Class Tax Hike of 2026 It’s been a very bad several months for progressivism. In fact, it’s hard to imagine how it could have been much worse. On top of a stinging loss ...
“This not who we are,” President Obama used to say when something unbecoming to his progressivism occurred. Few caught the statement’s colossal presumptuousness, casually arrogating ...
The ongoing struggle between popularism and progressivism.
Liberals like Sen. Chuck Schumer fail to realize that the International Criminal Court today is coming after Israelis, but tomorrow it will be U.S. soldiers who’ve defended America against jihad ...
I would recommend “After the Pogrom” to anyone looking to get a fuller understanding of how woke progressivism has enabled the re-emergence and normalization of antisemitism and provided cover ...
Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro has called on the countries of the left and progressivism to unite for Latin American ...