The inventor must have a practical mind ... In his hands the crude or bare facts of scientific investigation, in connection with the experiments necessary to their development, assume form ...
The rural community of Menlo Park, where Edison founded a laboratory, feared the scientific experiments taking place almost on their own doorsteps. They called him "The Wizard of Menlo Park," a title ...
3, Scientific American ... that obstructions of an illegal character were placed in the way of this stranger inventor by some in the Pa tent Office, whose personal and interested feelings led ...
Martin T. Willis Edison as Time Traveler: H.G. Wells’s Inspiration for his First Scientific Character Critics of H.G. Wells’s The Time Machine have reached no conclusions about the character of, or ...
videoDevelopment of photography by Daguerre and Fox Talbot A description of the major scientific invention of photography by Louis Daguerre and William Henry Fox Talbot in the early 1800s.