The Sena for Shark Bluetooth single unit has an RRP of £169.99, while the duo comes in at £299.99. The Mesh system is priced at £199.99 for the single or £359.99 for the duo pack. More information on ...
Bluetooth connectivity has become ... That being said, Sena do produce some units designed for specific helmets and then includes some Arai models so it’s worth taking a look.
the chances are you’ll end up with a Sena system. Even helmet firm’s own Bluetooth systems are often rebranded Sena units that use similar hardware and the same operating systems and software.
(See our reviews of the Shoei Neotec II Helmet + Sena SRL and the Shoei GT-Air II + Sena SRL2.) When looking at Bluetooth helmet communicators, you’ll notice that some of them can get pretty pricey.
SHARK has partnered with SENA communication systems to deliver specially designed, integrated communications systems to riders and pillions using its 22.06 ...