The sun is at the centre of the solar system. The solar system is the name we use to describe the eight planets, and their moons, that circle, or orbit, around the sun. CHILD: Our planet ...
The Romans had different names for the Greek gods, and so they were the ones to eventually call it Mars. Jupiter is the biggest planet in our Solar System, and it gets its name from the leader of ...
This may explain the strange properties of the orbits of our solar system's planets, which are not quite perfectly circular, and all lie on slightly different planes. NASA artist’s conception of ...
There may be an undiscovered planet in the outer solar system whose presence is revealed by the strange orbit of objects beyond the eighth planet Neptune. The tantalizing prospect of a ninth ...
Ask a group of people to name the most amazing thing they have seen in the daytime or nighttime sky and you may get answers like: the total solar eclipse of August 2017, Venus’ solar transit ...